Business Training

Highlighted Projects

  1. Sales: Stopping the Market Share Decline
  2. Leadership: Cooperation Development Between Middle and Senior Executives


The paint sales division suffered from market share decrease. The management thought it was because of the salespeople' and managers' lack of enthusiasm and ability. I got the task to help them to change their attitude.

As a first step, I studied the sales numbers. I also made in-depth interviews with the determining salespeople and leaders, such as regional and group leaders.

As a second step, I developed an in-door training program. The main modules were Management by Objectives, Customer Motivation, Personal Effectiveness Development and Sales Leadership Coaching. I conducted these sales and leadership courses across the country.

As a third step, I used personal field-training. One of the salesmen and I visited the major clients together, and the salesman received personal coaching after each visit. The division's leaders were happy with the result, and the program continued for 10 years.


An international corporation had factories in Hungary and Romania. The international headquarters had a double target in both countries:

  1. To strengthen the cooperation between middle managers and senior executives,
  2. To improve the managerial work quality.

As a contracted partner, I had to accomplish this double target in both countries. Regarding the managerial work quality, I set up a Human Diagnosis Test Kit that measured the attitude and competencies, such as performance orientation, loyalty and commitment to the company, communication skills, conflict management methods, motivation and joy of leadership. I also made in-depth interviews to have more detailed information. Based on this information, I created separate development packages for middle managers and senior executives. The packages had two pillars: training and personal coaching. The main modules were: Fire-B Model, McClelland Model, Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Management KIT, Belbin Group Roles, Leadership EQ and Assertiveness. I opened an online forum for both groups where they started discussions and taught each other.

At the end of the program, the HR staff and I organized outdoor charity activities in both countries. The headquarters management was satisfied, and the program continued for 9 years.

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