Digital Transformation

Employee Digital Competence Development - Response to Labour Market Challenges

It is especially bad when there is a shortage of skilled workers in the organisation. This can easily occur if we mention the behaviour of the late Y generation and the enter of Z and Alpha generations to the labour market. For them, the workplace is not a goal, but a means of achieving their life goals. Thus, the workplace itself is in danger if the skilled and talented workforce does not find its calculation and it moves on.

In addition, the digital organization requires workers with digital attitudes and competencies. The organisation should take into consideration the digital generation has a growing need to get organisational digital systems, subsystems and work tools. They require digital training, further education, e-learning as well. It is not only because of their efficiency, but also the joy of their work. Thus, organisations have to pay attention to the employees' digital competence. It becomes particularly important.

Educational Digital Transformation - Higher Education, and Workplace Training

Digital generation needs digital education methods. The representatives are increasingly eager to learn online or with digital applications. They should be involved in a language the digital generation enjoys. In addition, their life is determined by artificial intelligence, robotics and digital presence in the workplace and community online spaces. The computer, phone, tab and tab workstation are already work tools in their hands. It is important to use digital educational methods if we are to prepare them for the labour market challenges.

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