Course Feedbacks

"It was awesome, but ... George, why have not you told me that we use so many digital applications? I would have brought my tab with me."

"The training atmosphere was good, the tasks were exciting, the trainer gave me the curriculum, and I learned a lot of new and interesting things. Briefly and concisely, I left the training with a good experience. Thank you for this training! "

"It was helpful because we learned and applied new techniques. We've got to know the WordClouds app so we can easily present our career based on a word cloud. "

"We have been enriched with many innovations, using applications, discovering new useful pages that we will be able to use in our professional career. Digitalization is a very good idea because everyone strives to be better. An example is that we can create more attractive slides with digital tools in our presentation."

"I have found the training very useful. I was glad we had a really competent trainer who made the training so interesting to us. It was very modern for me to use so many applications for different exercises. I hope there will be many more of these courses and I can enrich my values. "

"The next most useful exercise for my personal development was to create a self-presentation by my phone."

"We have come to know new opportunities such as WordClouds app that helped us use today's technology in our presentations."

"During our training, we had to prepare a digital presentation about ourselves. This opportunity has also been a great help to get to know ourselves a little bit more, to build ourselves and to show our experience and vision. "

"Going back to the training, I liked the WordClouds application (I created a word cloud about myself) just because I haven't seen anybody who introduced himself in a job interview by giving his phone to the HR colleague and saying: "This word cloud is about me. Please ask anything that interests you".

"It makes the introduction really easy. When the question comes "Could you tell a few words about yourself?" you don't have to worry what to say and what the interviewer asks about you. This is very unique; I hope the HR employee will notice me. "

"One more thing I mention is the personal website. It is great, unique, even cool and really professional. It is a super modern idea to send your home page link as a résumé. "

"Among the exercises, the most useful was "turn to the person sitting next to you and have a little chat about his personal word cloud showing his life". It resulted in easier communication compared to the situation when we sit together and try to say something about ourselves. This way it is also much easier to remember the other's presentation thanks to the visual experience. "

"The applications we used during the training deserve special mention. The digital method in education drives teaching and learning into a whole new direction. In addition, it is useful, entertaining and stress reliever. At least I think so."

"As a closing, I would like to thank the course for the trainer, because as I mentioned, it was very funny, impulsive and useful to me."

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